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Det største problem ved buddhismen

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Transparent Buddha par laguepe

Darwin eller Gud?

Kids' letters to God

Dear GOD,
   Are you really invisible or is that just a trick?
                    * Lucy

Dear GOD,
   Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones,
   why don't You just keep the ones You have now?
                    * Jane

 Dear GOD,
   Who draws the lines around the countries?
                    * Nan

Dear GOD,
   Maybe Cain and Abel would not kill each other so much if they
   had their own rooms.  It works with my brother.
                    * Larry

Dear GOD,
   I bet it is very hard for You to love all of everybody in the
   whole world. There are only 4 people in our family and I can
   never do it.
                    * Nan

Dear GOD,
   We read Thomas Edison made light.  But in school they said You
   did it.  So I bet he stoled your idea.
                    Sincerely, Donna

Kilde: UC Berkeley Parents Network

Allahs smukke navne

01.AR-RAHMAN- Den Nådige
02.AR-RAHÍM- Den Barmhjertige
03.AL-MALIK- Den Suveræne, Kongen
04.AL-QUDDÚS- Den Hellige
05.AL-SALÁM- Fredens Kilde
06.AL-MU`MIN- Beskytteren
07.AL-MUHAYMIN- Vogteren
08.AL-AZIZ- Den mægtige, Uovervindelige
09.AL-JABBÁR- Betvingeren
10.AL-MUTAKABBIR- Den ophøjede i Storhed
11.AL-KHÁLIQ- Skaberen
12.AL-BÁRI- Udvikleren
13.AL-MUSAWWIR- Formgiveren
14.AL-GHAFFÁR- Den Tilgivende
15.AL-QAHHÁR- Underkasteren
16.AL-WAHHÁB- Giveren
17.AR-RAZZÁQ- Forsyneren
18.AL-FATTÁH- Den der Åbner
19.AL-ALÍM- Den Vidende
20.AL-QÁBID- Begrænseren
21.AL-BÁSIT- Udvideren
22.AL KHÁFID- Ham der Fornedrer
23.AR-RÁFI- Den Ophøjende
24.AL-MUIZZ- Den Ærebringende
25.AL-MUZILL- Den der Vanærer
26.AS-SAMÍ- Den Hørende
27.AL-BASÍR- Den Seende
28.AL-HAKAM- Dommeren
29.AL-ADL- Den Retfærdige
30.AL-LATÍF- Den Fine og Milde
31.AL-KHABÍR- Den Opmærksomme
32.AL-HALÍM- Den Overbærende
33.AL-AZIM- Den Storslåede
34.AL-GHAFÚR- Den Tilgivende
35.ASH-SHAKÚR- Den Taknemmelige
36.AL-ÁLI- Den Højeste
37.AL-KABÍR- Den Største
38.AL-HAFÍZ- Besvareren
39.AL-MUQÍT- Opretholderen
40.AL-HASÍB- Afregneren
41.AL-DJALIL- Den Ædle
42.AL-KARÍM- Den Gavmilde
43.AR-RAQÍB- Overvågeren
44.AL-MUJÍB- Besvareren
45.AL-WASÍ- Den Ubegrænsede
46.AL-HAKÍM- Den Vise
47.AL-WADÚD- Den der Elsker
48.AL-MAJÍD- Den Forherligede
49.AL-BÁITH- Ham der giver Opstandelse
50.ASH-SHAHÍD- Vidnet
51.AL-HAQ- Den Virkelige
52.AL-WAKÍL- Den Betroede, Værgen
53.AL-QAWÍ- Den Styrkefulde
54.AL-MATÍN- Den Befæstede
55.AL-WALÍ- Den Beskyttende Ven
56.AL-HAMÍD- Den Hyldede
57.AL-MUHSÍ- Den Altvidende
58.AL-MUBDÍ- Oprinderen
59.AL-MUÍD- Den der Restaurerer
60.AL-MUHYÍ- Den Livgivende
61.AL-MUMÍT- Den Dødbringende
62.AL-HAYY- Den Levende
63.AL-QAYYÚM- Den Selveksisterende
64.AL-WAJÍD- Finderen
65.AL-MAJÍD- Den Glorificerede
66.AL-WAAHID- Den Enestående
67.Al -AHAD- Den Ene
68.AS-SAMAD- Den Uafhængige
69.AL-QÁDIR- Den der kan Alt
70.AL-MUQTADIR- Den mest Kraftfulde
71.AL-MUQADDIM- Den Ekspederende
72.AL-MU´AKHKHIR- Den Udsættende
73.AL-AWWAL- Den Første
74.AL-ÁKHIR- Den Sidste
75.AZ-ZÁHI- Den Manifesterede
76.AL-BATIN- Den Skjulte
77.AL-WÁLI- Styreren
78.AL-MUTÁ´ALÍ- Den mest Ophøjede
79.AL-BARR- Godhedens Kilde
80.AT-TAWWÁB- Den der modtager Angren
81.MUNTAQIM- Hævneren
82.AL-AFUW- Undskylderen
83.AR-RA´ÚF- Den Medlidende
84.MÁLIK-UL-MULK- Herskeren i Sit Rige
85.D´HUL-JALAL-WAL IKRAM- Den Ærefulde Majestæt
86.AL-MUQSIT- Retfærdiggøreren
87.AL-JÁME- Den Samlende (Forenende)
88.AL-GHANÍ- Den Rige (Uafhængige)
89.AL-MUGHANÍ- Den Berigende
90.AL-MÁNI- Afviseren
91.AD-DÁRR- Den Nødbringende
92.AN-NÁFI- Den der bringer Godt
93.AN-NÚR- Lyset
94.AL-HÁDÍ- Guiden
95.AL-BADÍ- Den Usammenlignelige
96.AL-BÁQÍ- Den uden Afslutning
97.AL-WÁRITH- Arvtageren
98.AR-RASHÍD- Retlederen
99.AS-SABÚR- Tidsfastsætteren


"This is very nerdy, this is very amazing, and as said at the page where I found it and got kind of almost wrapped up in it: The abridged story of life on earth, as told through the medium of walking fingers. SO, I got the thought that if I were allowed to use my computer during my verbal biology exam in about two weeks and if I then drew something about the evolutionary theory I would - still in my dreams, don’t trust me - show this to my teacher and the external examiner with a smile upon my lips; “And the most funny thing about this is that it is very likely true comparable with what the book says about this theme. It shows a lot about the evolution in spite of the fact that it is called an abridged version.” And all this just because I know that even tired people - they often are - sitting in a hot room for hours with different nervous students will smile and nod and make a joke out of it and have a nice day because of this short film. Or more likely; simply because this film made me smile so much that my cheeks still hurt and I can’t forget it but reblog it so it can be shared with you." 
- laguepe @ laguepeatoxique
"Videnskab uden religion er lam. Religion uden videnskab er blind" 
- Albert Einstein.
... er min homeboy.