Bienvenus mes amis!
Your ancient reptile is back from the Buy-a-harbour capital of the little kingdom in the heart of Scandinavia to welcome you to laguepe and ladsor’s kitchen garden dedicated to the curious, waggery loving soul starving for art and other spiritual drugz. ladsor has been on a journey through the RITUAL of inuits expressing themselves by use of break dance to farmers defending themselves in plays before going BACK TO THE DESSERT with associations flying back to Algeria as portrayed by Camus’ “The Stranger”.
But no one can fly like our waspcat - laguepe is terminated at the stars with yet another publication having become a reality. Her latest work of flash fiction is to be seen in the february edition of “Slagtryk” - an e-magazine that selects the best poems and flash fiction texts of professionals as well as amateurs for publication each month. In the text WITHOUT TITLE our dear laguepe supply the tones of an untouched piano with melancholy colours and honours the small far too often unnoticed sounds of our everyday life that give evidence of our excistence trying to challenge our senses and definition of music. Read it like I did and I’ll ask you,
if you can hear the sound of the glints of my teeth.
They reflect the flash of fiction
for which I hunger
I want to eat
her words
and taste their sound
The synesthesia gives them wings and allows you to grap them with your fingers - feeling them - before they continue to your digestive system where they will make the fibres (from the other veggies of our artistic garden) - formerly thought of as oh so slow - look like they are organic Ferraries on wonder fuel.
So have patience. Forget what school taught you about having to understand everything
Just enjoy the feeling of something growing inside you.
Bienvenus mes amis - to laguepe and ladsor’s strange kitchen garden of odd wonders!
ancient reptile = ladsorsorous = ladsor = Rosdal
laguepe (French) = the wasp = Cathrine = cat